State-of-the-art CFD wind flow model for wind resource assessment, siting and energy yield calculations for wind turbines and wind farms in complex terrain

WAsP CFD is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) wind model. It will add value to your wind energy projects in complex terrain by helping you maximize production and minimize uncertainty. WAsP CFD is easy to use and quickly provides accurate and reliable results at low cost.
WAsP CFD is an integrated part of WAsP, which is designed specifically for wind resource assessment and siting of wind turbines and wind farms in complex terrain. Linear wind models have their limitations in respect to complex terrain due to the exclusion of non-linear effects. WAsP CFD includes these non-linear effects and is therefore better suited for complex terrain.
The WAsP design philosophy is a joint model approach; first, you set up your WAsP project and make your WAsP linear wind model calculations. If the terrain complexity justifies the added computational effort, you can subsequently opt for a WAsP CFD calculation. Applying both wind models as an ensemble further reduces the uncertainty.
Furthermore, the WAsP CFD Result Viewer enables the WAsP user to open, view and explore WAsP CFD result files independently of the WAsP workspace.